Advancing the Next Generation of Periodontitis Therapies.

Underpinned by cutting-edge scientific research conducted by established experts.

About us

Periodontitis is a persistent inflammatory disease that affects the gums and the supporting structures of teeth. While generic antibiotics have traditionally been a standard treatment for periodontitis, the emergence of antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge to their long-term efficacy.


OROCIDIN’s mission is to develop the preferred treatment against aggressive periodontitis. Our innovative therapeutic agent, QR-01, distinguishes itself through its unique ability to provide treatment without exacerbating the pressing concern of antibiotic resistance.

Business Model


Orocidin is committed to developing a new novel drug that is designed to enhance dental procedures, rather than serving as a replacement. A new product, that is likely to be met with a positive response from dental professionals.

Establish strategic partnership with a well-established drug delivery company that possesses strong proprietary technology.

Drug formulation development and pre-clinical tests.

Generate new intellectual property (IP) rights.

Commence the initial clinical Proof of Concept (POC)study.

The anticipated timeline for advancing the development project for periodontitis and establish the global IP rights is approx. 30 months, starting in October 2023.


billion in 2029
$ 0
0 %
people affected by the disease in the US
0 M
Product Application

QR-01 holds huge potential to become a future treatment of periodontitis.

QR-01 is an antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), also called host defence peptides (HDPs) are part of the innate immune response found among all classes of life. These peptides are potent, broad spectrum antimicrobials, which demonstrate potential as novel therapeutic agents. Unlike the majority of conventional antibiotics it appears that antimicrobial peptides frequently destabilize biological membranes, can form transmembrane channels, and may also have the ability to functioning as immunomodulators.

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